
We need commonsense transportation solutions to meet our future needs. I will prioritize adding capacity to shorten commutes and oppose tolls and light rail projects that residents reject. Let’s advocate for sensible, cost-effective solutions that work for everyone.

Regarding the railroad, remember that it’s an issue that’s been years in the making. I strongly believe in property rights and being a good neighbor. Anyone who takes a hard stance either for or against the railroad without considering the complexities is missing the point. We need to respect property rights while finding balanced solutions to nuisance issues. Our infrastructure growth should support families, small businesses, and housing development, striking a balance rather than pitting one against the other.

Regarding the bridge, we must stop the crippling tolls and the $7.5 billion proposal that won’t increase capacity. The people want a third bridge that will actually address our needs. What’s being presented now focuses too much on pedestrian and light rail, which isn't what our community is asking for. We need to push for a better solution that truly increases capacity and serves our community's best interests.